our mandate



Seagrass Music envisions classical music concerts for the Greater Vancouver community that feel welcoming, intriguing and engaging. We believe strongly that classical music can be for everyone.


To demystify and modernize classical music by challenging traditional settings and programming choices that feel elitist and exclusionary

To welcome audiences who may not have previously felt invited to classical concerts by eliminating financial barriers and offering programming and environments that feel as diverse and inclusive as the communities we are serving

To find playful ways to shake up and expand on modes of classical music presentation including site specificity, storytelling, and genre/era mashups


We challenge the idea of sociopolitical neutrality in classical music performance and aim to think critically about the who, where and why of our programming

We foster ongoing relationships and collaborations with the artists and business owners living and working in our communities

We seek to actively work against systemic inequities ingrained in the classical music sector by prioritizing women, non-binary, trans, queer and BIPOC artists